Bernoullistrasse 1
2022, Austria, Shortfilm 06:47
Bernoullistraße 1 in the Donaustadt district of Vienna is home to a branch of the Adult Education Centre (VHS). The brutalist building was planned with a modular and expandable system. The open design was intended to convey a low-threshold effect and invite people to enter the building. Years after construction, this modular feature was blocked by the construction of Vienna’s largest shopping centre, the Donauzentrum.
Today, the building is located on the most expensive building site in Donaustadt and demolition is planned for 2024. But what will happen to the library, the VHS, the youth centre and the other places of encounter? On the one hand, this film tries to capture the architectural elements of the building with photography-like moving images, and on the other hand, to portray the people who use this space with interviews.
2022, Österreich, Kurzfilm 06:47